On the 25th May 1989 my wife and I climbed from the A87 via Meall a Charra and Sgurr a Bhealaich Dheirg to the summit of Saileag. We arrived there at about 2 p.m. It was a pretty warm day- we were in “shirt-sleeve order” – it was sunny but there was quite a bit of cloud to the south, there was virtually NO WIND at all – I can vouch for this because after the event, I photographed the South Sheil Ridge carrying on round to the FIVE SISTERS ridge taking 7 photographs. I have these mounted as a panorama hanging in our hall and the clouds on the photographs match perfectly. There was no snow on the ridge but snow remained in the corries on the north faces of the ridge.
My wife and I were standing on either side of the cairn, some 10 or 12 feet apart, looking south and admiring the wonderful view, when we both heard a sound rather like that heard by Mr. Lockhart and his partner, although we have always described it as like “somebody tearing canvas or brown corrugated paper”. Both my wife and I still have excellent vision and we did not see anything that would account for the sound. We were looking across to the South Sheil Ridge and the sound started in front of and to the left of us and it quickly circled round us clockwise and stopped as abruptly as it had started after it had travelled through app. 300 degrees.
We have discussed the event with many hill walkers – but we have never had a completely satisfactory explanation. The best theory put forward was that it was some form of electrical discharge. But there was no physical evidence of an electrical discharge. Having been in the army for over 30 years I know that the sound was NOT made by a bullet and its circular motion would appear to rule out the possibility of a meteorite.
My wife and I remain baffled!
John Montgomery